Monday, May 17, 2010

Transplanting in the square foot garden and greenhouse

Well the things that I transplanted into the square foot garden and greenhouse are doing well so today I decided to fill another bed and put it under row cover too. I transplanted three varieties of beets, two varieties of lettuce as well as fennel and Swiss chard. I had a problem with the row cover the other day, after I put it on the the raised beds we had a few light rain showers and water started to pool on the a surface which was making it press down on the newly transplanted seedlings. To solve this problem I put a bamboo cain in the center of the bed tented the row cover over it and I did the same today with the second bed.

In the greenhouse everything is looking good so I finished planting it today. I planted a grow bag of Red China Eggplant and one of Ground Cherries. I have several of each of these left to plant in the garden next week but they are both heat loving plants so I though they would do well in the greenhouse.

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