Sunday, November 15, 2009

Winter Herb Garden - Parsley and Basil - Last of this years Leeks.

The outdoor gardening season for 2009 is officially over, the garden beds are cleaned up and ready for winter and I harvested the last of the leeks yesterday. I have three different varieties of garlic planted in my square foot garden frames a new variety that I bought this fall via the Internet from B.C., some of the garlic that I harvested from this years crop and some that was just off the store shelf this fall. They have all been in the ground for over a month now and the only variety to actually come up and start to grow is the supermarket variety. It was only in the ground six days when it broke through the surface and started to grow. Right now it is green and healthy and about six inches tall. I will try to remember to mulch it as soon as the ground freezes. Should be interesting to see how the different varieties prove out next year.

I have got a lot of use out of the light garden that I bought last winter. It was in use from mid January last winter when I started my onion, shallot and leek seedlings through to late spring as I started the various seedlings for the summer garden and now it has been in use since mid September this fall when I planted several pots of Italian Parsley and a mixture of different Basils for kitchen use this fall and winter. They are up and doing nicely I made a pasta sauce the other day and it was so nice to have fresh herbs to use.

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