Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dreams of Summer Whale Watching

Summer and Whale Watching seems part of the distant past today we are in the midst of a major winter storm. High winds and lots of snow which is suppose to last through the day and most of tonight.

I opened my front door and put some fresh bird seed on the snow and within a minute there was a flock of birds coming and going and fighting over the meal.

Tree Sparrows and a Chick-a--Dee in the snow.

Yup Snowed

Yup Snowed, originally uploaded by Campobello Island.

No end in sight we seem to be in an unending storm pattern with a snow storm every three or fours day. We are in for an additional 20 to 30 CM today with high winds to go along with it. The men who plow driveways are making a fortune this winter, unfortunately I'm on the loosing end it costs me $20 per storm. H heck of a lot easier than doing all that shovelling though.

Path to the compost pile every step knee deep.