Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Grow Bag Gardens

Grow Bag Gardens, originally uploaded by Campobello Island.

I'm so pleased with my first ever attempt at Grow Bag Gardening. I've been eating meals from the Garden for over a month now. So far I've had the oriental vegetable Joi Choi, Swiss Chard, Kale, Lettuce, Radish, and Zucchini . The Broccoli should be ready later this week. Everything in the Grow Bags seems to grow vigorously. The two outside areas where I have Grow Bags were meant to be temporary for this year only while the ground under them covered with black plastic composted in preparation for turning those areas into garden beds next year, now I'm not so sure. I certainly will continue to use them in the greenhouse. Both the greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes are doing very well in there. I should have my first greenhouse cucumbers next week and there are lots of green tomatoes already.

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