Thursday, November 25, 2010

My First Submissions to Getty Images Artist Picks group

My First Submissions to Getty Images Artist Picks group

Members can submit 25 photos per month these are my November submissions.

Clicking on the photo will take you to my flickr account and links to each of the individual photos in the collage.


Anonymous said...

I realy like the pics !

Anonymous said...

Is it true that canadians have a "way better life" than brainwashed americans ? your blog sure makes it seem that way .

Dale said...

Now there is a loaded question LOL. I'm a dual citizen and have passports from both countries and live on the border, so I guess you could say I have the best of both worlds.

Anonymous said...

LOL , I was just reading an article that says americans don't realy know how bad they have it because they havent lived in other countrys that are better .canada is included on the list of better countrys .lol . Here is the article .Its called america -The grim truth .