Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chick Cam 3 Weeks old today !!

My little flock of 12 chicks are three weeks old today and are starting to look more like little hens getting more feathers as the days go by. The material to build them a secure yard will be delivered tomorrow and later in the week my order of 164 feet of 4 foot high electric poultry netting and solar charger will arrive. This will be used to make a larger safe pasture area of the back lawn, a place that they can free range in when I'm home to keep an eye on them.


Anonymous said...

Dale...they are growing so fast and the music kept pace with their activity level...the eye on the camera close-up shots even looked like they had been rehearsed ... loved it ... now what is the yellow item on the looks like a rubber egg yolk?


Dale said...

The yellow thing is the plastic top off of something, can't remember what, I put cheerios in it and you should see the show, they do relay races trying to get the cheerios away from each other.

Laney said...

They are so sweet :O) I just turned the sound up loud and my old gerratric mog loved following them!! Life in the old mog yet!

Dale said...

As they grow and become more distinctive they are also developing their own little personalities. I seem to spend a lot of time watching them.